
I just finished reading On All The Other Days. The book is very well written and was so interesting I found it hard to put it down! It flowed very smoothly, the colour photos a nice touch and was a pleasure to read. Quite an interesting perspective on many things. You should be very proud of all you have accomplished, many of which I was not aware of.  Philip Habib

Really enjoying your book, Clint, and the delightful flip-book aspect of it, with the plane flying across the top of the pages.  I’m about halfway through now. What an accomplishment, not to mention a life well lived!  Karen Molson

I did a sort of marathon event in reading your book, that is, in about three or four huge bites. I think that your book is one of the best biography/memoirs I have ever read (and I read a lot). In addition to the excellent text, the design is excellent as well—the cover and title being worth the price of admission alone.  Jim Bruce

I couldn’t resist writing to you, after having spent a very fine day reading your book in it’s entirety yesterday. I am so full of admiration- I knew you were a man with many talents, but had no idea you had so many….amazing! I particularly loved the chapter on “Wakes”, and thought it was so appropriate…. Magnify that with the  many jobs you have had, the many places you have travelled, and you have had a life well spent. Imagine how close to death you were, and what impact that had on your next years…which are still so incredibly productive. I also really loved the tribute your son Clint Junior gave at your retirement- it had a huge impact on me as a reader. Audrey Wall

Thank you so much for writing your memoir.  I am really enjoying it. This work has opened my eyes to the personality that you are. As a youngster in grade 7 my parents said if I could get an 85% average they would buy a ski boat. Well, I got a 92 and they paid out. A 14 foot runabout Arkansas Traveler,  originally with a 18 hp, improved to a 28 the next year. Boat was rated for a 40 but we never got there. We did a lot of skiing as kids at Sandbags and Lac St Joseph, North of Quebec City. Maybe not on the same level as you but I certainly do relate to your love of the sport. Interesting how lives criss cross. Jim Simons

The author has been a friend and fellow professional aviator for over 30 years. During those years we have spent many pleasant days together. I am blown away by how, during all the other days, how much he has accomplished that I was completely unaware of. Memoirs are not always an easy read. Not so for this one, which is pleasantly mellow from start to finish. In a delightfully understated manner, Clint manages to place his personal achievements in the context of history and then give it all deeper meaning in the final two chapters and epilogue. Robert Eschauzier

Clint has written a very readable book about his passions: flying; waterskiing; the Olympic movement; curling; theatre; and film. I am no expert on waterskiing, curling, the Olympics or film, but I know a little about flying, and a lot about the theatre, and what he has to say rings true. I find his writing, especially in the sections about flying, to be compelling reading. It would be worth your while to buy a copy, sit down in your easy chair, and take the time to absorb what he has to say. David Langlois

This book is a fascinating insight into a man…. driven by passion in all aspects of his life but perhaps more importantly driven by a passion for life itself. A fascinating read and one soon realizes it is not just a book about an extraordinary man, but a lesson for us all on all the other days! Steve Walters

I just finished reading your book. I’ve never been avid in this regard, however,  since I retired it has become more pleasurable. Thoroughly enjoyed the read. You’ve led a life that most could only dream about. I realize that your  career choice did give you more freedom than most of us have been able to enjoy. Having said that, it still amazes me how you accomplished what you accomplished and at such a high level. Wil Steacy

Pretty much finished the book in one day. What a remarkable and fascinating account of a life lived to the fullest. I’m glad I have been part of it in some small way and that you have been such an inspiration to me and so many others. I especially liked the heartfelt and well written tribute by Jr. Most people could only dream about having just one part of the life you have made for yourself. Congratulations.  I’m really proud of you and so lucky to have had your guidance through the years, even if you told me things I did not want to hear.  George Athans

In spite of the hectic season, I managed to find a couple of “other days” to read your book. What a pleasure, you did a hell of a job. Easy to read, I really didn’t want to put it down. Captain Peter Highfield

I just finished reading your book and what an experience it was.  The people and places of Hudson, the flying stories from learning to flying to retirement ( I’m almost there) and all your work in Hudson theatre and music are the framework of my life growing up and later on. Thank you so much for getting it all on paper. Captain Jennifer Nicholson

Your book is an absolute achievement!! It is a delight to read (I am not very far but already I can say this). You have a great craft with words – already I can say this for sure!! More as I go along. Ann Kajander

Thank you very much for sharing the adventures of a renaissance man with me! I took great pleasure in reading your book! I learned a lot about the history of flying. Not only your career, but also the memories  of your experiences in connection with sports and theater enriched the picture I got about your life.  Gaby

The title is brilliant!! I did not know from where it was derived. I have a feeling this will be a page turner. Congratulations on a monumental project!! Captain Doug Seagrim

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